100 Books Before Graduation

100 Books Before Graduation

What books count?
Any book you read after signing up! Fiction or non-fiction, graphic novels, manga, audiobooks, and books you need to read for a school assignment all count.

Can I reread books?
We want you to experience lots of books, so you have to read 100 different books.

Do I get anything for participating?
Each month you read a book, you'll be entered into a prize drawing.
You will receive a reward when you've read 25, 50, 75, and 100 books.

When can I sign up?
You can sign up the summer before you start 9th grade or any time after that.

Where do I sign up?
Sign up online using the link below and then record the books you've read using the reading log.

Sign up for the program Here
Sign Up for the Program Here
Keep track of Your Reading Here.
Keep Track of Your Reading Here. 



Source URL: https://www.barbertonlibrary.net/content/100-books-graduation